This procedure provides insight on how a datasheet is generated within Viking Industrial

  1. Salesperson is approached by a client to provide a data sheet for a particular machine.
  2. Salesperson to confirm if the machine is part of Viking core range (HALO spec, TOMAHAWK spec, RESERVE spec, etc.) or a custom machine.
  3. If the machine is standard, the salesperson can send a data sheet available in google drive “spec sheets” folder.
  4. If the machine is a custom i.e. non-catalogue then the salesperson is to approach the manufacturer and request a data sheet.
  5. Upon receival of manufacturer data sheet, salesperson is to submit through Viking help “marketing requests” form. 
  6. Brand and marketing manager to review data sheets from suppliers and create a Viking templated data sheet that adheres to style and brand guide.
  7. Brand and marketing manager to supply new data sheets to salesperson via asana task created by “marketing requests” form.
  8. Salesperson to review data sheet to ensure customer requested information is presented.
  9. Salesperson to upload the document in the relevant project folder within the google drive “projects” folder.
  10. Salesperson to send the data sheet to the client.